In order to support the learning process, we ask that you adhere to the following classroom rules and in general support your peers and fellow learners:
1. Be Punctual: Show up 15 minutes before class time.
2. Missing 3 consecutive classes will lead to automatic disqualification.
3. Login in the online classes with your names as per the registration form.
4. Find a quiet place free of distractions. (Siblings, television, parents, pets etc.).
5. Be respectful at all times during the virtual lessons and physical i.e., only share your screen when allowed by the instructor. If your video is on, maintain appropriate behavior.
6. Mute your audio, only unmute when being addressed or when you have a question.
7. Stay focused and on task so as to avoid missing anything from the instructor.
8. Video feed should stay on to promote focus.
9. Refrain from eating or drinking when in session.
10. Allow others to learn and work.
11. Class assignment are mandatory, please ensure to submit on time as directed by the
12. Daily attendance is mandatory unless for medical reasons which need to be advised
24hour in advance.
13. Development of project and application will be required to confirm understanding and application of knowledge.
Start by ticking every box on the requirements checklist.
KCSE Result Slip, Certificate or equivalent
2 passport size photographs
National Identity Card or Passport
Kenya Commercial Bank
Branch: Biashara Street A Certificate of Good Conduct from your Embassy or home country
Copy of your passport
A Valid Visa
Copy of your sponsors’ passport
A letter from your sponsor indicating they have responsibility over you
Copy of your High School or Degree Certificate (translated into English)
Full Time classes
Accounts Details
Account Name: College of Advanced Technology
Account No: 1223823237
Where do you start as an international student in Kenya?
Clubs and Sports
Leg ball
Modes of Study
Evening classes
Virtual/eLearning classes
Distance Learning
Weekend Only classes